Archive for January, 2012

GovSM interview talking about President Obama’s Google+ hangout

This morning I was interviewed by Tim Farley, host of SiriusXM’s Morning Briefing on POTUS channel 124. We talked about President Obama’s upcoming Google+ hangout and all the questions he received from the White House Youtube page. Take a listen below and please give feedback (style substance or otherwise) in the comments below.

Nevada will be first state to announce c

Nevada will be first state to announce caucus results through Twitter via @thehilltweets:

Week in Review: SOPA and PIPA are withdrawn indefinitely 1/20

What an excellent week for social media communication with government. After this week’s 1/18 protest which saw numerous sites like Wikipedia completely shut down and other’s like Google direct users to contact their Congressmen, Senator Reid and Rep Lamar Smith today pulled their respective bills off the legislative calendars for consideration. Now they will be reworked and presumably brought back after EXPERT testimony is given. The battle has been won but the war is far from over – keep fighting.