Archive for September, 2011

Week in Review 9/21-9/28

Here’s a recap of the past week’s social media and politics news. Shana Tova!

  1. GAO rprt: Social Media Fed Agencies Need Policies & Procedures for Managing & Protecting Info They Access and Disseminate
  2. House Democrats launch social media competition via @thehilltweets
  3. Great talk, must read article RT @Alderman_Moreno: My blog about #SMW for @HuffPostChicago Picture by Mr. @johnfritchey
  4. RT @rachelsterne: Great advice from @AdamS 4 @nycgov agencies on Twitter. Discover, share, engage, promote. #engagenyc
  5. Here’s a link to the audio from my interview yesterday with Tim Farley @MorningBriefing on SiriusXM
  6. RT @NYCMayorsOffice: Mayor Bloomberg speaking to digital managers and comm staff at City gov’s first ever Social Media Day. #engagenyc
  7. RT @gracecheung: NYC government currently reaches 1.5 million through social media.#engagenyc
  8. RT @lheron: Wow. MT @SlaughterAM: Whoah. Rwandan Pres. @PaulKagame is on a Twitter roll (perhaps rant). fascinating stream of consciousness
  9. How Twitter, FB, Google & LinkedIn are entering the political via @lheron
  10.  Facebook forming own PAC to back candidates via @thehill
  11. RT @mathewi: MT @defcon_5: Time to get to 50 million users: Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace:
  12. MT @IdeaGov: RT @PrivacyWonk: Congrats to @USMC for an awesome #gov20 #socialmediahandbook
  13. Obama Town Hall: LinkedIn’s Economic Role [infographic] by @JonMwords via @RWW
  14. ‘Young Guns’ head to Facebook – Mike Allen – via @politico
  15. Study: Twitter Played Pivotal Role In Arab Spring via @TPM
  16. MT @maegancarberry Should candidates have 2 Twitter accounts? @KLSoltis “official + personal handle adds authenticity”
  17. Twitter users are very sensitive to authenticity. – @AdamS #smchicago #smwtwittergov
  18. RT @gbyehuda: DC EMS suspends #Twitteraccount?! Not good #emergency planning! read: #gov20
  19. RT @Ekaterina: Marine Corps Facebook page went from 0 to 1M in a year – @gregreeder #SMSS
  20. Thanks @ZekeJMiller for the shoutout! Twitter Users: Get Ready For Political Ads To Infest Your Stream via @bi_politics
  21. President Obama to participate in @LinkedIn town hall – The Hill’s Hillicon Valley:
  22. RT @Adweek: Twitter to Launch Political
  23. “The politician becomes their own media company”#smchicago #gov20 #socialmedia

Month in review 8/15-9/20

With the August being a slow month and then my preparation for my speech last week in California, it was a slow posting month. I’m back to normal posting now.

  1. New! Social Media links for national political party organizations and their influence rankings (@dccchas best @klout
  2.   New blog post: The CA Legislature, social media and it’s practical ban #gov20 #socmed #caleg
  3. A bit old, but a good read: Designing Social Media Policy for Government h/t @Reelpolitik #gov20 #opengov
  4. Facebook hosts ‘Young Guns’ – Mike Allen –…via @politico
  5. House Dems on hunt for social media followers – via @rollcall h/t @marcidale #gov20
  6. Worth a read, but I disagree. Can use it to support local business. RT @Ward_Room Where’s Rahm? Who Cares? @dens@naveen
  7. MT @ChicagoCTO Explore your city: @ChicagosMayor and Foursquare announce the first official city badge
  8. Sen. Reid holds first Twitter town hall – The Hill’s Twitter Room:
  9. MT @dannyhakim: Bob Turner: “I do have a Twitter account, but I only do it fully clothed.”
  10. Thanks for the shout out Alex! “Online Influence Is Essential to 21st Century Governance” by @digiphile
  11. RT @gbyehuda#data RT @cecysnyder: Government Uses Twitter During Hurricane #gov20 #smem #hsem
  12. RT @pwire: Fascinating research on how “astrotweeting” is being used by political operatives…
  13. RT @whpresscorps: RT @fivethirtyeight Obama will use the word “tweets” — not “Twitter messages” per NYT style — later in speech.
  14. RT @macon44: Social Media Gears Up for Obama Address: Launched 2 new @twitter accounts @JonCarson44 & @WHLive
  15. Based on @digiphile and @ZekeJMiller‘s advice, I tried my hand at @Storify. Here’s the conversation I mentioned before.
  16. Check in with Senator Coons on… via @ChrisCoons
  17. The 2012 Presidental Race to Social Media via @CBSNews
  18. RT @marcidale: “Social networking spam from non-constituents is a significant frustration” @DailyCaller
  19. Twitter hires former top FCC aide – Kim Hart – via @POLITICO
  20. RT @digiphile: Social media in a time of The @RedCross showed again how Twitter can help during Hurricane #Irene
  21. The Facebook Administrators of @BarackObamaand Rick Perry’s Campaigns via @derallo
  22. RT @InesMergel: New Pew Study: 65% of online adults use social networking sites #openGovRD
  23. RT @HilliconValley: Study: Half of adults use social networking sites
  24. RT @digiphile: Government in real-time: @fema‘s Hurricane #Irene Twitter list: #gov20
  25. RT @fastcompany: The @USNavy Likes Google+ Because Facebook Isn’t Private
  26. The state of #Alaska has a really good#socialmedia portal
  27. RT @DStraussTheHill: RT @antheawatson: Elizabeth Warren has hit the twitters @elizabethforma
  28. #GovDebate- Governments Using Social Media via @socialmediaweek
  29. Who’s Writing Jon Huntsman’s Tweets? |… via @ethanklapper
  30. How to hold a Facebook townhall meeting in a custom tab via @derallo
  31. Jon Huntsman’s Very Good Twitter Day | techPresident via @techpresident
  32. Department of Veterans Affairs publishes updated social media policy /via @InesMergel
  33. National Archives & FourSquare use: Walk in the Footsteps of the Presidents via @InesMergel
  34. RT @socialmediaweek: Which governmental agencies are using social media effectively?#GovDebate
  35. RT @dens: Going to be on @CNN around 8:20 talking @foursquare + politics. ps. amazing view! (@ CNN w/ 2 others) [pic]:

The California Legislature and Social Media (Part I)

This past week I was invited to speak at a conference on new media to staffers for the California state legislature, both Senate and Assembly. This was a very cool opportunity and when I was asked to speak, I immediately began thinking of all the best practices points I would go over. Only after I accepted did I learn the dark secret of both chambers of the CA legislature: staffers are forbidden from using social media.

And I don’t mean updating their own personal facebook pages. They are forbidden from updating their bosses facebook accounts or tweeting on their bosses behalf. And this is not just some obscure proceedural rule. The problem largely stems from the Political Reform Act of 1974, which means that it is probably a FELONY for a staffer to use government resources or government time to use social media. For the few staffs that have braved the social media waters (Senate, Assembly), it seems one workaround is to update from personal computers after work – not an ideal situation.

In the state that Silicon Valley calls home along with nearly every social media company HQ, their legislature cannot even use the products they produce. (Senators and Assemblymen are free to use social media themselves, the rules only apply to staff.)

The California government as a whole is not social media adverse. Governor Jerry Brown as well as hundreds of state agencies, sub agencies and government programs use facebook, twitter, youtube and more. The problem resides solely with the legislature.

Once I learned this, I started calling around to other states to see what policies or rules their legislatures had. I have not yet reached out to all 99 (points if you know why 99 and not 100), but what I’ve found so far is that California has the most restrictive rules regarding staff use of new technologies than any other.

Part II of this post will include the data I have obtained so far.